martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Hopeless generation?

A few days ago I read some news saying that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is considering the possibility of offering a job to young unemployed and qualified Spaniards such as engineers. The truth is that the German economy is growing, unemployment rate is decreasing and the industrial sector is having several difficulties to find qualified professionals.

In this situation, my main concern is how is this possible. How is possible that a country like Spain has the most qualified work force ever in its history without any expectation? How is possible that Spain has invested so much in their education without being rewarded? What have we done wrong? What is our problem as a country? It is pretty clear that our industrial sector is completely unable to offer this young and qualified graduates the future they deserve, but it is less clear that other countries such as Germany may offer them this future. The truth is that our graduates may find some difficulties if they want to find a job within the EU. Of course they will not have any legal restriction but they may have some obstacles due to the structural problems of the Spanish education.

First of all, Universities in Spain are mainly focused on theoretical knowledge more than on practical skills and professional experience. Secondly, Spaniards use to be terrible speaking foreign languages. For these reasons, Spanish people is not as prepared as we were supposed to be in order to face the current challenges successfully. I was told that my University is exceptional, that it is appropriate to develop an international career... The truth is that globalisation is not as global as it sounds, that multinational companies are merely a sum of national companies and that this international environment seems to be purely a fictional world created by a few marketing directors. We were supposed to be an European and developed country which is now begging for some positions to its hopeless graduates. What have we done?

The Reader, 22nd January 2011

I apologise for any mistake as English is my second language. Any correction is welcome.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

¡Pepe! ¿Qué tal todo? Espero que bien. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la entrada, sobre todo en cuando al carácter demasiado teórico de las enseñanzas en nuestro país. De hecho, hace unos días escribí una entrada criticando algunos de estos aspectos en mi blog. Esta es la entrada en cuestión:

Es un proyecto nuevo que estamos iniciando entre José Miguel y yo. Os pongo un enlace a vuestro blog y la verdad es que nos vendría de perlas si pudiérais hacernos el mismo favor. ¡Un abrazo muy grande!

Pepe Soldado dijo...

Gabri, muchas gracias por el comentario. Me parece una idea genial lo que estáis haciendo con el blog. No sabes cómo me alegra ese proyecto ahora que tengo tanto que contar sobre el sistema universitario español (curiosamente una vez que lo he dejado para salir al mundo exterior). Me encantará conocer vuestro punto de vista y, seguramente, volveré a publicar en más profundidad sobre el tema además de algún comentario que os dejaré.

Ya te tengo en favoritos y le pediré a Brotons que os incluya en el listado de blogs amigos. Mucha suerte con los exámenes (presumo que los tienes ahora).

Un saludo.